GIOM For coat Biotin FORTE 200 g powder

GIOM For coat Biotin FORTE 200 g  powder
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Improves the quality and color of the coat, its density and shine. It also improves the claws.
Má velmi dobrý vliv také na kůži (lupy, lysiny) a urychluje línání.

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GIOM For coat Biotin FORTE 200 g  powder
  • Very effective for hair loss, supports growth and renewal.
  • Improves the quality and color of the coat, its density and shine. It also improves the claws.
  • Use if dandruff and other skin problems occur.
  • Czech product with the highest content of biotin, zinc and vitamin E on the market.

The product has a very positive effect on the healthy development of skin, shine and proper coat color. Because of the zinc content, it regenerates the skin and counteracts its negative dermatological manifestations such as dandruff, bald spots, hair loss, etc. It also improves the quality of the claws, suitable for use when fraying or breaking. A top product for show individuals, serve before and during the entire show season. Also suitable for dogs and cats with white or black fur! Easy dosing. No artifical colours or preservatives.

Ingredients in 1 kg

Vitamin E (Alfatokoferol) 7 700 mg
Vitamin B1 800 mg
Vitamin B2 800 mg
Vitamin B6 700 mg
Vitamin B12 5 mg
Biotin 2 500 mg
Vitamin C 20 000 mg
Niacinamide 3 500 mg
Pantothenic Acid 2 000 mg
Zinc – chelate 6 000 mg
Taurine 5 000 mg
D,L-Methionine 25 g

Daily dosage: 1-1.5 g per 15 kg body weight per day.
1 level measuring cup is 15-20 kg. The measuring cup is part of the package.

Serve for 1 month as a minumum.
Continuous serving is possible as well.
In case of obvious deficiency, the dosage may be doubled.

Dobrý den paní Zwillingová,
zhruba před měsícem a půl jsem se na Vás obrátila s prosbou o radu při řešení problému se srstí u naší fenky hovawarta, kterou máme od paní Ondrouškové. Doporučila jste mi přípravek Biotin Forte na srst, zakoupila jsem si balení 60 tablet.
Chtěla jsem Vám tímto poděkovat, přípravek nám opravdu moc pomohl a srst má naše Ebony zase krásnou a v lesku.
Přeju Vám krásné Vánoce plné klidu a pohody a do nadcházejícího roku mnoho štěstí, zdraví a úspěchů.
S pozdravem Domčíková

Věra Domčíková a Ebony

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