
Personal details.
Delivery information
Login details

Recommended rules for creating a password

  • Use a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters, punctuation, and numbers.
  • Use passwords that are at least 6 characters long
  • Používejte taková hesla, která si snadno zapamatujete, v žádném případě si jej nezapisujte na papírky a podobně.
  • Change password regularly
  • If possible, avoid passwords with diacritical marks and the use of the letters.
  • Do not use names or numbers that have anything to do with you (date of birth, name, username backwards)
  • Do not use your name or the name of a family member or pet
  • Avoid using one whole word in any language
  • Do not use other information that can be easily identified about you (telephone number, address, licence plate/registration number, etc.)
  • Never share your password with anyone.